Hospital bag essentials

In all the TV shows where a panicking man rushes his pregnant, panting wife to the hospital labor ward there is always a packed bag to grab and take along. I'd never really thought too much about the contents of those bags until I had to pack one for myself. After much research I came up with the following list - and now with the benefit of experience I've edited it to reflect what I think makes up the basics.

One of the best tips I was given was to take not one, but two bages. One small one for the delivery room and one for the postpartum room so you’re not rummaging around in one huge bag for the camera at the last minute.

Delivery room bag:

· Hair ties / headband
· Camera plus batteries
· Snacks for partner in case it’s a long labour (you’re usually not allowed to eat)
· Any medication you need
· Light cotton dressing gown – those hospital robes open at the back and you might want to move around
· Books/Magazines (if you get an epidural and have a long labour you will be bored if you are not asleep – if you go drug free you won’t feel like reading)
· iPod – for inspiration through the labour
· Small make-up bag (I thought I might whip some on before those early photos – but that didn’t happen!)

Postpartum bag:

· Nursing PJs
· Laptop - I was really glad I took this with me. If your hospital has wifi it can be a real treat to have contact with the outside world, upload those early photos and have some entertainment if you can't sleep in the hospital beds
· Toiletries
· Your clothes for going home (make ‘em loose and easy to get on, particularly the shoes, slip on ones are the way to go)
· Babies clothes for going home (Hospitals often provides clothes and nappies for the baby during the hospital stay)
· Contact details to let people who aren’t on Facebook know your wonderful news
· Phone charger (for yours and partner’s phone if he’s staying overnight in your room)
· Spare clothes for partner if he’s staying overnight in your room

Also to save you a last minute dash on the way home from the hospital - here are some things you might want to get in at home:

· Ibuprofen
· Witch hazel pads
· Sanitary pads (thick ones and lots of them)
· Pain relieving spray
· Big knickers you will be comfortable in and can throw away later
· Nursing bras and pads to soak up the milk if breastfeeding. Get a few bras – I had two to start with and was stuck on the day that the baby threw up into both of them. Also if breastfeeding you need to sleep in a bra so get a couple without underwiring.
· Lansinoh cream – for nipples if breastfeeding

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