Tiny House Garden: Our Planting Schedule

I only started to grow fruits and vegetable four years ago when I first moved into the cabin. It's been a process of trial and error.

And a lot has depended on how much effort we have been able to give the garden or how distracted we've been by other things. Still that's life, really, isn't it?

I was full of enthusiasm in 2009 for the first garden we planted, that enthusiasm dimmed a little as I realised there was actually some more work to do between planting the seeds and harvest time. In fact, there was actually quite a bit of work to do.

Hmmm. 'Fruit of my labours', that phrase is starting to make sense. If you're a vegetable gardener there's going to be quite a bit of labours. Not quite so much fun as I had originally assumed. But still in the end worth it.

Then came a new baby and 2010 started with good intentions but is mostly a blur of lost sleep and feeding schedules. By the following year it occurred to me that it might be a good idea to start documenting our success and failures so that we could (theoretically) learn from them for the following years.

 Self sufficiency is a long way off but we do manage to include our own produce in all our meals over the summer months and even into the autumn and winter.

One of the nice things about gardening is the chance to start afresh and do better this time. Mother Nature the eternal optimist.

So here is where I will record our 2013 planting schedule and scroll down for the brief notes I made on when we planted our crops the previous two years. (Remember we are planting in Virginia, which is I think Zone 7, so these dates may not apply to your garden)

Planting schedule for 2013

Planting schedule for 2012

Peas, potatoes (10th), spinach (24th), red and yellow onions (24th), Garlic (Dec 2011)
Tuesday 3rd: 2 rows lettuce, 1 row green beans
Wednesday 4th: 4 canes of peas, 1 row Swiss Chard
Saturday 7th: Peas, potatoes, spinach, turnips, yellow and white onions

Planting Schedule for 2011
Monday 14th: lettuce, spinach, swiss chard, turnips, potatoes
Sunday 3rd:  4 canes of peas, yellow onions, spring onions, radish, rocket
Thursday 14th: 4 canes of peas, radish, carrots, spinach, lettuce, turnips
Saturday 30th: lettuce, spinach, radish

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